Saturday, May 12, 2012

if I could speak.....mountains would move, Mr. President

No assassin needed
Our world is depleted...
If I was president
I would fight for the programs that are slowly at an accelerated rate disappearing in the communities that need them
the right
thinks its right to cut programs they think are no longer needed....
but like health care
we should invest here
in a measure of preventative stature...

The 1%, stands and act docile
without getting a profile
of who represents the profile...
Numbers don't lie..

Majority of the people on welfare
or needing health care
is not the "welfare mom"
or the crack heads psalms...
but if it makes you sleep better
so be it..............

Minorities being told to beat it....
position contrived
They leave us outside
Cuz the 1% need it??
You might as well stop and frisk my mind
cuz my intellectual rap sheet will grow and
extend to include all of your travesties toward society.....

While you live in lavish inside your bubble...
well the people outside we still struggle...

I'm sick of these fighting wars
Reminisce on brighter days
When we agreed to disagree but helped..the....change.....

Bi-partisian ship remains the same
and halts all aspects of our growth...
We stagnated...
When did being in office
Seem to provide a single persons ideals instead of the masses....
Lord forgive them cause they have sinned...

Honor separation of church and state
but your votes negate
what your true feelings are...
Passing a dream for reelection seems...

But waittttttt

I don't give a fuck what u feel
but when you lose ideals, you lose me and I lose hope....
Tell me today, what does your passion say??
Cause I want to feel the truth,,,,

I have no faith in you...
and I'm scared of your truth...
that you use the media to play shit
say what you mean and mean what you say

My expanse has pulled up the pants from forever sagging
But with no one to help

Dependent on self
I will always lose this war.....
These kids taught to be the only products of there environment
Incarceration for lack of common sense...

We fill those privatized seats...and they embody it with their soul
Their entanglement
leaves to deem irrelevant
the future of their soul...

Rich/poor far between
We been 50 shades submissive
to these things
but I wont sit down....
Why didn't you take on the cause of building our regard
to have it lost in war??

The power of our feds
Disappears away programs just because you feel that way???
So DV and getting clean, building spirit, changing things and rehabilitation takes the back burner.......

I'm angry just because you fake your feelings
I was live breathe and feel it...
So you come from the mid-west and think you feel it......
No mean to sound brash
Throw your white privilege in the trash
cuz you ain't never  been here..

You sold my judge and became masters of,
divide an conquer let me hear it......

Started with separation of house and field.....
You ain't ever been sequestered to a feel that you couldn't break??????

Just cuz you think you see the epitome of me...
leaves me to question your abilities......
do we look the same

The anger I am caused is because my life ain't yours
and you will never feel this way...
no matter how many stories you consume or lives you let bloom...
(giggles) I will thank you for it....

But you will never understand....
no matter who you do
or who invest in you...

You will never feel the dereliction of my color...
Don't try...
your not built for it....

Have you ever been almost stoned??????????????
and its not weed i speak about!

Have you ever been tested
to be concerned for where you rest at
after being told that you were in a zone that you weren't allowed....
racism gone.......fuck you

The fact that you even thought it was, shows me the privilege you hold......

Not for long
cuz instead we will get good heads to sit on a throne...
but for now
no one is home but we will be.....the revolution will not be televised but it will be seen

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