Thursday, October 30, 2014

Minus plus one

Sirens screeching
Yellow flashes
The chill in the air
The hard day weighing on my back

The bitter chill
Cutting through the thoughts left unshielded
I wrap the sweater tighter

The acerbic wind
Tossing the blond trying to stay down but the wind blowing it back up

Wait scratch that and reverse it
Life pushing me down as I try to stand back up

Get a hand up
All I want is to...
Loosen the belt of struggle and pain and learn all over how to man up

Woman up
Women down

The strife blocks the sound
The soundtrack of my life is..


I used to get violent and violate
Bumping the roots to save my perspective

Hands shaking
Key turning, opening the door to a old new beginning
Only to realize the inside is dark

I flick the switch
Shadowing in the light
Placing bags down happy for the heat of here

I call out
Then I remember

This house is empty
This soul seems empty
I still come home to

Waking up alone
The experiences of the day
Never being released

Forced to wander in my head
Always in my head
Im always in my head

I guess this is why even when im surrounded
I'm still so very alone

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