Monday, May 28, 2012

It sting's

Fever pitched\
Flashes of ignorance
The aluminum casing of your heart leaves chivalry to be ignored
Chasing a dream from a story heard within our youth
To be or not to be?
That was never a question, just a retort

Investing in the words that lead to compassion, empathy and honesty if conscious
I don't need this nonsense
But I still walk this way
Have a ruining cloud making me talk this way

The storm has not passed even though you cant see it
Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder
I want to see it

The anxiety of loneliness
Questions self further
When you find it, its heaven

My experiences result to murder, I plead the fifth
You don't deserve my benefit
Lack of significance
All I feel is vacant
I am the cactus in the sun that nobody walks to.
I am the sustenance that embodies those to want to
You took a stroll in the sun and received what you were looking for
Only to find It was nothing but a mirage
The constant barrage of your lusting
 Leaves me to question who I can run to, to feel this empty space

The stars of yours, they remind me of..
Kept me thinking, we almost had it all
but too much is never enough
So I scramble to put a hold on the teeming, overflowing emotions within my brain
and walk thru the shadows that encompass my figure
Leaving me aching and yearning for more

Happiness leads to love, which leads to hurt and deals out pain
I fold
I flushed a full house......
Because it became bare

The hand I was dealt is not built that strong
I have to fold, how can I not
 Not an M.I.T grad,  so there is no way to read to try to count the cards
like you read my bars
Transferring my pain

I believe with no map I will find it
Hope the cards to my credit don't decline it
The aimless walking,
Im lost can you help me find a way??

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