Saturday, April 19, 2014

On my mind....

They might hear us speaking...without....massa.......

Disenfranchisement is rearing its ugly head/
the dreams are dead and no one is leading the line/
so they die...become mirages of aspiration/
being taken for every ounce of deny

I can try to sit by...but i cant/
This so called safety net is the cheapest you can get/
enslaving like a trap, retracing like an unlawful gathering intent on set tripping/
I have died living...yes many times and I have arisen like the phoenix?/

I think i need my glasses cuz' I'm not seeing correctly/
Societies trajectory, leaves me scared and abandoned/
Is this the life we want to happen/
Cuz we sure are letting it happen!!/

85% of us go to them and the money is lost/
or funneled to towns that only get around cuz our youth have no ground and are intent on being lost/ locked up/stopped up, so they can pull a drop up and..../
rock true religion?/
A crying shame that your true religion is material/
My true religion is spiritual
my god is interial and i feel sorry for your kind/

What are we waiting for?/
The dying exist around us as if the walking dead was here/
This is our fight to regain life from those who think it lost/
Reality is idiocracy/
i believe in our freedoms and democracy/
when did that become non exciting?/

I feel like my writing is getting me tight and i should no longer write and this shit is not frightening to so many that leads up to this....wheres your normality? Your substanance?/
The devil tries to deceive us and all the while we are still on the front lines/
cuz though not armed forces this is the direction we are forced in to...create there choices....and make it better/
put shit together....cuz we are falling apart...../

lets get back to caring about communities, enhancing the abilities...cuz in a self absorbed world we forget about those with continuity......

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