Wednesday, August 17, 2016

It appears in the end

Living in honor and finding honor are 2 different things.

I was lost and crushed and he changed my life

Perception is everything
He changed my life

Couldnt discover how much it hurt to live my life...drilled through the hard shell of me cutting off people in this life

Wanted all his knowledge because it raised my life

Pay attention to details because he taught me right

Ability to be in a free world and do whats right

All hope was given
By you in my life.

I made a decision to change hearts
like you did for my life

It was an end but the beginning of the road within my life

I have risen because the strength you gave me for my life

A student but a client
You helped me survive my life

I want to give thanks for you having helped develop my life
Whether you ever know it or not i need you to understand your hand was prevelant within this life

Im a better person because of you in my life
I love you dearly
You will be here forever through writing and having touched this life

I will never forget.....
How you changed my life

I love you Dr. T

Saturday, August 6, 2016


I feel stuffed
Life ripping out my internal organs
Propping me up so i adhere to its demands
Going through the motions of playing dead The mask in place
With all the fads we chase
The choices we make
The promises we break
The continuity we can lose in a second never to replace
The forgotton tools of reforming it all within a better space
Mind was in a better place
My mind used to be in a better place
 No paparazzi Anonymy is what makes you never see this face
Monogomy in a facetious way
Can't let the media and normalizing of violence lead the way
We need to pray
Never let the ends justify the means by this way
Never go back to the days of lethal way
Our children are dying
Yet yall motherfuckers still won't lead the way
Yall the reason why our kids are struggling and live to be this way
Grow up to be this way
Don't get mad at me I just say what we all want and need to say
Let him lead the way
You never can see this way
Unless you are smart and woke enough to see this wayl